BJK Financial Group Blog

Taking Action on Net Zero – How Does Canada Stack Up

As we celebrate another Earth Day, we recognize our planet's vital role in our existence.  We are responsible for keeping it and us safe. And a recent announcement by the federal government is intended to address just that.


At the end of March, the Canadian government released the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan: Canada’s Next Steps for Clean Air and a Strong Economy. As the title suggests, the plan is intended to significantly reduce our emissions here in Canada – by 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 with the ultimate goal of achieving Net Zero by 2050. 


This plan fits with efforts around the world. The Americans’ announced changes with last summer’s passage of the Inflation Reduction Act is just one example of that.


But according to Ipsos, “Only one in three Canadians believe that the government has a clear plan in place to tackle climate change.” A similar number of Canadians admit to concern for climate change, where “34% worry a great deal/a fair amount vs. 48% global country average”.


As you can see, Canadians’ concerns seem to be well below the level of concern expressed elsewhere in the world. I find that disappointing.


That said, it will be interesting to see if this announcement and the initiatives it lists will change Canadians' perception of what is happening, what could happen and what should happen.


Are we making any progress?


Items listed in the report were fleshed out in the most recent federal budget.


And according to Clean Energy Canada, “Today’s federal budget was the first step toward realizing last week’s historic Emissions Reduction Plan to reach Canada’s 2030 climate target. It’s also the first Canadian budget that truly links climate action with economic growth. In today’s world, they are two sides of the same coin.”


The report lists efforts to encourage Canadians to:

  • Switch to electric vehicles
  • Green up their homes, buildings, and industries
  • Update our electrical power grid to meet net-zero standards
  • And much more


There is reason for hope – let’s get on with it


Yes, there are challenges as we go forward. But change itself is both inevitable and essential. Clean Energy Canada summed it up nicely when it said, “(w)hile some will always look for reasons to stall clean energy investments, wondering if now is the time, our response must be unequivocal: now is the only time.”


We can all find ways to get involved


We can all get involved in Canada’s move toward net zero. Whether that means making your next car an EV, installing heat pumps and solar panels in your home, or making environmentally progressive investments. The choice is yours.


If you’re looking for even more ways to help facilitate positive change, then have a look at the Earth Day Canada Website. There are lots of ideas for things you and your family can do.


And remember, if you want to continue the conversation (financial or otherwise), text or call me at (519) 279-0186 or send me an email at [email protected].


Thanks for joining me. I wish you and yours a lovely summer. And let me close by wishing you a Happy Earth Day.


Brian Kettles at 9:49 AM
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Brian Kettles
Name: Brian Kettles
Posts: 39
Last Post: September 13, 2024

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