BJK Financial Group Blog

The S in ESG


Shall we continue?

Last month I shared a local example of an environmental concern right here in Cam-bridge to highlight the impact, both local and long term, of environmental mismanage-ment. This month I want to spend some looking at a local example of the social aspect of ESG.


Residential Schools in Canada: A Painful Legacy for All Canadians

This summer the legacy of residential schools and Canada’s treatment of our First Na-tions citizens regained public attention, with the identification of approximately 215 bodies on the grounds of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Co-lumbia. Since then, numerous other sites all across Canada have been scanned with equally heart-rending results.

As a result, many Canadians sought to commemorate Canada Day differently this year with a recognition of this legacy and the ongoing difficulties our fellow Canadians from a First Nations heritage continue to have.


Woodland Cultural Centre - Bearing Wit-ness to Our Residential School Hereitage

Efforts at acknowledgement and reconciliation can be seen at the Woodland Cultural Centre in Brantford, located on the grounds of the former Mohawk Institute Indian Res-idential School.

One of the major projects of the Woodland Cultural Centre is an effort to renovate the Mohawk Institute to serve as a reminder of of our legacy. And with that knowledge, seek to atone for and correct our mistakes.

If this is something you would like to participate in join the Save the Evidence Cam-paign at Woodland.


Five Oaks - A Local Effort at Reconciliation

On another note, Five Oaks is a retreat centre here in South Central Ontario I have had the privilege of being involved with over the years. Five Oaks, a United Church retreat centre, states that their goal is: “To be a sacred place where people of all faiths as well as spiritual seekers can gather in community to live, work, learn, pray, play, heal, and act for justice.”

Although Five Oaks is a United Church retreat centre, it lists Six Nations of the Grand River and the local Muslim community as Vision Partners. I see this as a example of the power of shared experience and community right here in South Central Ontario.

Right now, one of the most prominent ongoing events at the center is titled Honor-ing Missing Students of IRSS through Prayer and Dialogue. It seeks to address the need for dialogue that we need to go through if we are ever going to properly addressing the disturbing legacy of residential schools in Canada.

The program runs on the second Sunday of every month from 2:00-4:00. I encour-age you to look into it.


Residential Schools - A Legacy for All Ca-nadians to Come to Terms With

The arrival of Europeans on the territory we now call Canada has painful elements for our First Nations neighbours. And that legacy has a local as well as a national presence.

In order for us to cope and move forward as a nation we need to address and atone for these historical legacies. Things like the Save the Evidence Campaign and places like Five Oaks are local examples of the opportunities we have right here in South Central Ontario.

Brian Kettles at 3:04 PM
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Brian Kettles
Name: Brian Kettles
Posts: 47
Last Post: January 15, 2025

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